Saturday, 8 December 2012

Where Does the Time Go?

Can you believe it's nearly Xmas? I can't, it seems like only five minutes ago I was stood on Mevagissey harbour wall and that was back at the beginning of August! Much has happened since then, the fantastic Olympics and Paralympics, three fantastic workshops and rain and more rain.....hopefully 2013 will be kinder weather wise and allow a few more photo opportunities than don't involve getting drenched.

Whilst the photo opps have been a bit limited we have still managed to capture a few images over the last few months. London at night is always a great place for me and this time I wandered away from the Thames and tried around Covent garden, with some success.

In September Chesterfield Photographic Society had an invite to shoot the "Vegas Rat Pack" at the Winding Wheel Theatre. A great opportunity to cover a brilliant show, but quite a challenge photographically (especially as we weren't allowed flash). So I was lucky enough to borrow a Nikon D3 and a pro f2.8 wide aperture lens to ensure I could use a high ISO and have a fast shutter speed to freeze the action. The mixed lighting also add to the complication of getting the white balance right. We all had a fantastic night and the photos weren't too bad either.

Autumn colours were very late this year and the wet weather didn't help make them particuarly vibrant but it's always a pleasure to be out and about with a camera in October and November. Our October workshop in Chatsworth saw us out on a lovely bright day and whilst the colours were a bit muted and still quite green, we had quite a bit of fun capturing the scenery.

We got a further invite via the Photo Society to shoot the switch on of the Christmas lights in Chesterfield - back to my normal kit which isn't great when using high ISOs as it gives quite a bit of "noise" above 800. Thousands of people out around the market area and as the light faded the stage acts begun. Then the Mayor and Charlie Dimmock (the TV gardner with no bra!) push the plunger to turn the lights on. I had to dig out my really old manual flash and set it all up manually and it worked .... for a bit until the batteries started to give out and then I may as well have had a candle! Still it was interesting to try to work with a combination of manual setting, hand holding (no tripod allowed) and a dodgy flash. (Note to Santa - I think I might like to try a new flash please).

Andy and I did attempt a night shoot in Sheffield last week but after 40 minutes of icy cold and a very poor level of inspiration (Sheffield Xmas light leave much to be desired) we decided to pack it in and head for the hot chocolate to undertake some planning for the workshops in 2013. We have the first three sorted, now we need to finalise the venues for the second half of the year, if you have any suggestions get in touch.

Just waiting for Santa to arrive with my new Nikon D4 and prime 300m.... well I can wish can't I?

Have a very snappy Christmas and if Santa should deliver a new camera we'd be delighted to help you understand all the bells and whistles.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Busy Busy

Well what a show, having been out capturing the torch relay through Chesterfield

and getting a taste of the excitement I can say that Olympic fever is very catching. Having failed miserably to get any tickets we just got some small idea of what London must have been like as I've just got back from the reception for Jess Ennis in Sheffield. What a fantastic turn out for the golden girl, so much so that I failed to get a single decent photo due to being a bit short in the leg and not wanting to upset everyone by pushing through. Great turn out and brilliant to be part of the crowd.  Whilst the games were on I was in Cornwall trying to relax. Weather was a bit mixed but at least being in a tent it's easy to get an idea of what the dawn light is going to be like! Early calls from the seagulls also act as an alarm; so I sneeked out one morning and was set up at Mevagissey Harbour just about 05.00 waiting for the warm glow of the sun to emerge from a small bank of cloud sitting on the horizon. Only a couple of fishermen and the seagulls for company..just heaven (and a great way to start my birthday).

I'm still working my way through the Cornish images, and the Classic meet at Silverstone
and the Bristol Balloon Fiesta!!!! So much fun.

Friday, 13 July 2012

I'm really pleased that the technical hitch has been resolved.  I blame the soggy weather and can only hope that as it is forecast for a delightful sunny day this Sunday (it being St Swithin's Day), then the future might well be bright !

The main travel tales I have are of Canada which consisted of a large delightful family wedding with the whole celebrations lasting about 4 days !  Bride was beautiful (so was Mrs C) and here she is.......

The rest of the trip was spent exploring southern Ontario - and once you got away from the Toronto metropolis (easily 4 million plus population) the area was very interesting (in a good wine tasting way !)....

More travel tales / images later as I'm late for a school end of term concert  !

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Gone Missing!

We're back! Had a long standing technical glich which meant we were unable to post..sorry about that, I'm sure you missed us? So much to catch up on, more workshops, planning for 2013, wedding packages available, trips abroad (well for Mr Child at least), Olympic torch relay events - oh yes and avoiding the puddles! I'll let Mr Child update you on the overseas trips (as I've yet to see a single picture I'm not sure he actually went). No doubt it was sunnier than over here. The Olympic torch visited (fleetingly) Chesterfield on 29 May and was greeted by thousands of local residents who braved the showers to wave the flags and cheer on the torch bearers. A great day and plenty of people willing to have their photos taken!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

It's April already!

Can't believe it's April - well apart from the weather which seems to have finally decided which season it is. Andy C - the tall one,  is on his annual pilgrimage to Portugal for a bit of r&r - trusty camera and tripod safely amoungst the luggage. Hopefully enjoying wonderful views, sunsets and the odd glass of something cool.  (PS - whilst he's away I can tell you I've got a parcel from the Royal Photographic Society!) I've no doubt he will get one too!

March workshop went well, but the weather/light could have been more co-operative.

NOSH pictures are due for a swap when Andy is back so pop in and have a coffee and a bun!

Spring flowers are out so now is the time to capture those wonderful colours right on the doorstep.  These are from my Mum's and Mum-in-law's gardens in Wales. Taken on Easter Sunday.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

So that was the NEC!

On a shockingly bad day - weather wise, we made the (surprisingly) short trip to the NEC to attend Focus on Imaging and .....our date with the Royal Photographic Society. Suffice to say we were both extremely anxious and had a overwhelming desire to get it over with, (our own fault as we put ourselves foward for it!). Having arrived early we sat and chatted with other candidates as the panel members gathered. At 10.30 the Chairman rose and introduced himself and the panel members and the process began. Panels came and went, some succeeded and others didn't. A number of times the panel gathered to critically examine in some detail, specific photos within the candidates panel - a huddle and then off to their chairs to fill in the marking sheets. One of the panel gave a quick overview of their perception of the portfolio and then the marking sheets were handed into the Chair, who collated the results, sometimes glanced futher at the images and then pronounced whether they would or would not recommend the panel to the RPS council. Generally it wasn't too difficult to see why a panel did or didn't get recommended but there were some surprises - so you just don't know until they read your name out or not. As for us..... well mixed fortunes I'm afraid and I'm not allowed to say..just yet, but we will reflect on the experience, take a deep breath and ultimately get there (nobody said it was easy and success is so much sweeter when it's hard to achieve). Incidentally after lunch four panels in a row failed and the pass rate was hovering around the 65% mark - with a very clear steer towards technical excellence - ie sharp, correctly focussed and no blown highlights or blocked blacks.

Having been battered and bruised we reflected over coffee and a bun then dived into the Focus on Imaging expo. Everything you would ever need in the way of Photography kit! Having been for 4 years running it's getting very familiar, but still nice to have a few hours immersed in the all those lovely images (yes some living models), kit and superb inspiring lectures, just wish we had a fortune to spend on those fantastic cameras and lenses!!!!!!!!!!

Now we need to focus on the workshop in Hathersage and looking forward to meeting our participants and shooting some more frames.

PS I've tried an Andy Wharol type set of images which are going up in Nosh, Sheffield next week - come and view and let us know what you think.           

Sunday, 12 February 2012

S40 Local

Then there was snow.. oh and it was cold!

Just when we thought perhaps we had missed the snow February arrived and brought it with it! However snow of course provides all sorts of photo opportunities and besides being stuck indoors leafing through  100s of images to find the final 10 for our LRPS panel can be headache producing, so a chance or two to get out in the snow and frost certainly clears the head.

Actually it was quite a productive few weeks, a very successful night shoot in Sheffield saw a moonlit (if slightly nippy) night adding to the exposure challenge, ably taken up by our enthusiastic photographers. Particularly pleasing that two of our friends were previous participants from our workshop in October. The snow also brought further opportunities and some success - with a shot of Endsor gracing the front cover of  S40 Local and another shot being featured in the Derbyshire Times. I also suspect that one or two of the shots might also make it into the LRPS panel!

So planning now underway for the 4th March panel presentation at FOCUS at the NEC in Birmingham followed quickly by the next workshop on the 14th March in Hathersage.



Monday, 2 January 2012

2012 - a new year and new challenges

Well, Mrs C and I (plus friends) went to Stamford in Lincolnshire for the New Year weekend, staying at the Bull and Swan (an old 16C inn with friendly staff, good food and excellent rooms).  Anyway, on the way there we stopped off at Peterborough and visited the cathedral.  This is an amazing structure and having paid my £3 photography fee, I was able to roam all over the place soaking up the atmosphere as well as trying to capture the Norman / Medieval architecture with my trusty Panasonic.

However the challenge was the low light - and no tripod !  Ever the resourceful, I improvised using tops of tombs, old wooden tables etc - and the results are fine........the odd jaunty angle but interesting all the same !

And the challenges for 2012......well getting my LRPS in March would be great personal achievement - we shall see !

Happy New Year to you all

Andy C